Announcement: Adverts 250 Linked via The Octo

The Adverts 250 Project is currently featured on The Octo:  Blogging Early America.  The Octo, curated by Joseph M. Adelman, assistant editor for digital initiatives at the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, is a rotating lineup of “feeds from popular blogs.”

The Octo features eight (get it:  The Octo!) blogs.  The current cohort includes:

This is very fine company to be keeping!  The Adverts 250 Project should remain in the tentacles of The Octo for a few weeks before being released to The Octo Archive, a permanent list linking all the blogs about early American history and culture previously ensnared by The Octo.

In related news, Karin Wulf, director of the Omohundro Institute, recently included The Adverts 250 Project in a tweet about the Institute’s new #VastEarlyAmerica initiative.  You can read more about Vast Early America here.